Saturday, June 02, 2012

(06-01-2012) Vinyl, vinyl and more vinyl...

 Allen's kart: Junkyard John (done)

Steve's modified (in progress)

Flash and I had a long busy day doing vinyl graphics for some friends.  First we tackled Allen's new kart, he made for his son John.  I think he made some good choices for color and style and I think the vinyl turned out fairly well.  Once we finished it up, we started on Steve's modified laying out the stripes on the side and doing art for the numbers and advertisements.  Still a lot of work to do on this car, but it's starting to take shape.

In other news, the Dual Virtua Racing cabinet has a problem again.  I've ordered parts to bring it back to life, but this time I'm going to rework all of the fans and make sure it has more than adequate cooling before I let it go back into service.  It will probably sound like a hovercraft once all of the fans are running.

And finally, the fridge is out of beer, and so the shop is now closed until I make a beer run.

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