I've been reading a couple of articles on adjusting the 915 tranny, in an effort to make shifting into 1st and 2nd a little easier. After reading a few articles it still sounds as if it's a bit of a black art with lots of trial and error before you can get it right.
Also, looked at the back side of the engine and tried to figure out the best way to route the tach wire for the Dakota Digital box. Shouldn't be too bad, and I can route the wire when I'm in the tunnel working on the shift adjustment.
So, not much in the way of progress, but planning and waiting for the heat to diminish to some degree. Here's a picture of the car on the 5th of July. This is the day the car arrived at home and I took a few pictures of it resting next to the Porsche 914 (formerly my play car, but I forced it on my brother - so now it's his burden. No really, it's a great car in need of some TLC).
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