Tuesday, October 09, 2012

(10-09-2012) Two Player Virtua Racing Lives!! ...again...

It's alive, again!!  It's still a mess, but both sides of the machine are back up and running.  I will finish up the mounting of boards and cleaning up the interior of the machine and we will back to racing again.  Can't wait to play some head to head VR again.

...and later on that evening the Etchison boys came over to test it out.  Shannon got a bit over excited and did a brake check.  Or is that break check?  A little bit of cabinet work needs to be done, but this cabinet has always been rough and needed some help.  I hope Shannon doesn't feel bad about the problem, it could haven happened to anyone playing the game.

Also, Shannon said I could have this old empty arcade cabinet he has to turn into a MAME machine.  The PC is almost ready, but the cabinet and control panel will need lots of work.  Can't wait to get started on it.

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