Monday, July 07, 2008

07-06-2008 - In and around the shop this past weekend...

This was a fairly productive weekend. Several brain cells were killed in the name of keeping cool, thirst quenched and enhancing mood.

Shannon dropped by yesterday, as did Jody and Ed, and helped get the HVAC set up. There is a bit to go, but it's in the right location now. Maybe this week I can get the power run so that Shannon can do the rest of the work. Fingers crossed.

Flash came by and brush hogged behind my shop and we burned the brush. It looks great, even if I have to fight a black snake for the territory. Not sure what I'm going to do back there, but it's great to have it cleaned off so that when I do decide...

Jason and I went washed and went cruising in the 911 on the 4th of July. Drank far too many whiskey sours and enjoyed the fireworks at my brothers house.

Jason and Jody also helped me cut up and install my new workbench in the shop. Looks good, even though I can't really see it through all the clutter now.

So, nothing big, but lots of little things got some attention in and around the shop.

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